Is your PPC campaign dull absent and that Oomph? Well, today is the day to take action and the things around. Follow these simple steps & explode your PPC campaign:
1st Try to avoid phrases with less than 3 words
There is a huge difference between "affiliate marketing" & "affiliate marketing blog." The more words in a search word to improve your search word is expected for this query. Put yourself in the shoes of the viewfinder, people looking for information "affiliate marketing" people who specifically want to read an Affiliate marketing blog indicate the latter.
The same works with all sectors. Bidding on "doctor" is quite unlike tender on "doctor in Melbourne." Start to think more about the rates, what you offer, rather than lazy.
2nd Do not waste money - losing the Broad Match
While the broad outlines of the game in general generates more traffic you often find that by Adwords "Expanded broad matching," the heaps of unrelated conditions will sneak in. If your research to further conditions (by using the search query report) you should do not throw money away on keywords you do not pre-qualify. Do not be lazy and do thorough keyword research, prior to each AdWords campaign. My rule of thumb is always set (with negatives), or accurate. So you know what you get for your money.
3rd Catch people in the late stages of the buying process
As I mentioned in point 1, there are certain phrases that people will use if they are in various stages of searching. The determination of these can mean the difference between paying $ 15/conversion or $ 5/conversion.
Bids helpful ideas:
1st Bid on Brand Products & Objects
2nd Bid on company name & manufacturer
3rd Use buy, compare & buy keywords
4th Use product reviews
4th Look at the Search & Content Network
Check your settings to see if the Network Search & Content Network are turned on. I've always Turn both initially as I do not trust when the traffic. As soon as I campaign to a solid CTR, position & Return, I then test the search network, to see if it adds or removes value.
If you want to run a content campaign, I suggest that you have it within their own campaign. Alone.
5th Create very targeted ad groups
Topic of your ad groups on a given keyword. If the keyword is affiliate marketing blog then the ad group May contain:
Affiliate marketing blog "
Affiliate marketing blog "
[Affiliate marketing blog]
[Affiliate marketing blogs]
This allows you to write a very specific creative, specific to the keywords you're bidding on. Keeping things in the context of high your CTR, reduce your costs in the long term.
6th Use very targeted creatives
As in the previous point, you can now write very targeted creatives around a small group of keywords
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on Senin, 13 Oktober 2008
at 21.36
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- khalifiani
- i`d like to share about anything that happen to indonesia with audio visual documentary