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If you have long haul them to start with video editing, because I think that is too complicated, we have articles for you. Four articles, even! During the next four months, we will disrupt the project and a special video with a step-by-step explanation for the regular cameraman can continue the programs of quality.
This month, in Part 1, we will be with the preparation, before processing, tracking and recording video scenes. In Part 2, we will be clips from the order, cleaning and rhythm. In Section 3 we will be adding titles and graphics. And finally, in Section 4, we will try to add music, special effects, editing and the wise. When you are finished, you must have a good from all that you need to know how to work in modern publishing, computer-controlled machining bay.
Project definition
This project is an example we follow a simple family history of the video. We are a combination of images and video clips with live music and graphics easy to see production for the family, to collect 30 wedding. Our goal is to create a video that will be displayed on the parties and eventually used for VHS or DVD copies for family members who are not eligible to participate.
Prep is
The first step is to examine what we need to improve our video. For our project, our assets, including the family photos, some old 8mm film and some more modern movie house in VHS and Hi8 video. We also have a tape recording Aunt Martha home to play the piano. We even have some songs on CD and mini-DV tape from the recent past.
Get organized
Organization for all the video project began with the script, even for projects based on archive material and scenes shares. Without some kind of script, it difficult to continue the process of the picture to manageable steps. The script also help you to the script.
The script does not need to be complicated, but they are the best way to manage video on paper in preparation for logging and trapping. Given the fact that the script will show what you say to the audience, the script must show that each scene or are still in their main project. In the revision is the script, you can consider factors such as agenda, rate, the font and color palette, and you need to note that the music and special effects.
Pre-production (at this stage is called) is also time to set the program into other assets. It takes time to ensure that each label on the tape with a unique name. Open your editing software and you want to deposit the amount of capturing images, audio files and provide for themselves, and compaction and configuration parameters religion. This is also the moment to structure your project files, folders and boxes with a code name or number in the project. Finally, make sure you have enough space for the duration of your project plan. We will recommend about 30GB of disk space for one-hour program, although all depends on how you effectively in the logging and subsequent stages of compilation.
For our project to scan images role in our team. We also need to convert analog video and audio tapes to digital format. Often, the easiest way to do this is to copy the analog source such as VHS cassette to the old digital video tapes with DV Camcorder. Many DV Camcorder receive analog input via S-video or RCA video (composite) and audio jacks. Although the conversion process takes time required for you to play the band (also known as the "real time"), the digital transition easy and high quality. As a bonus, only aging from a backup tape archive. (Do not discard the original!)
This process also works for music. Take back the audio output of your life or cassette player, to the audio inputs on a digital Camcorder and create digital copies of the tape. The result is black with a digital video wise, ready for import into another editor as a DV source material. The film is much, much more complicated and completely different article. Remember, enough time to transfer, if you need long-house movie theaters to the image processor has been copied.
Put something
Our goal has been to set our work, and then collect and save the resource center for the media in our project. Next month, in Part 2 of our report new digital assets recorded in time, clean and balance the elements of time with the way we run the program in accordance with the schedule.
Bill Davis write, shoot, editing and sound recordings do not work for various industrial and commercial customers.
We made a music video for "Aunt Martha" with its own composition on the piano. This clearly will be considered free of copyright issues. Copyrighted music for commercial use family-style video projects are not many problems. All producers should be aware that the use of each element is protected by copyright, without permission from the delivery of copyright law is a violation and you may not project to go to the video - assessing the competition. The use of commercially available "buy" music is always a safe choice, if you never plan to use their projects for public or commercial purposes.
Professional videographers is usually one criterion: when it comes to camera movement, he should be encouraged. Because it looks cool, is usually not a legitimate reason for using complicated camera move. Instead, you can use the camera moves to change the views of what makes you see the shoots of large, small, or even scarier. You must use camera movement to tell your story better and to improve the experience of the audience.
We will violate this movement by movement, so you will know how to run every shot and why you may use it. We also have been divided into 3 columns, which follow the easy part:
* Mount the camera to create the move.
Camera operator or the device and move together.
* Only move the camera lens.
Mounted camera to create the move
1 - What: Pan
How: Move the camera left or right horizontally. Ideally, you should use a tripod for a smooth effect. To a large "panner", a practice shot several times at some speed before you feel comfortable with it.
Why: To follow the subject or show the distance between two objects. Pan nangis also working very well for such a panorama shot from the mountaintop to the valley below.
Regulation: Always start at the still shot, when you start, and finished in the still shot. Practice first. See the place as when the middle reaches between initial and final place. If there is nothing worth seeing, it is not feasible when the shooting.
2 - Do: Tilt
How: Moving the camera up or down without improving the position.
Why: As panning, the subject or to display the top and bottom of a well-balanced object. With tip, you can also show how things are high. For example, a slow swing to make Giant Sequoia tree that shows the grandness and violence.
Here is a good tip. In general, when you shoot tip and the object or person that they see more and more bold. The subject appears smaller and thinner when you tilt down.
Regulation: Always start at the still shot, tip start, and finished in the still shot. Practice first. See the place as the tip reaches the middle between the top and the bottom tip. If there is nothing worth seeing, it is not feasible to tilt the image.
3 - What: mat
How: No tilting, but physically moving the camera up high or down, usually on a tripod.
Why: You are the focus of the camera or get down to the exact height that you want. If you want to get "eye to eye" with the six-foot-six basketball players, you will be lining up. While the images of flowers or a small child, you will be lining down to their level.
And the camera operator or mobile devices with
4 - What: Dolly
How do: Camera song or set on wheels and moved toward the back or from the subject. A dolly is also a noun, which explains the tire contraption used to dolly (verb) shot or a device attached to a tripod. A wheelchair, because it has large wheels, rolls smoothly, and have a seat for the videographer, works quite well as a doll, but you can also use the train stuck or even skateboard.
Why: To follow the object smoothly to get a unique perspective. In some movie directors and combine the dummy shot to enlarge the real sense of doom. To do this, the camera will zoom lens is subject to the same camera with a physical dollies out, and shot at people remain the same size, but the background appear to move. It is difficult to master smoothly, but it is done correctly, a real shot to convey a sense of tension and a sense of vertigo.
recently my cleen Reef make it `s campaign to do the rigth thing. we are asked to save the environment, especially took the coral reef and surrounding areas. festival of works by sending a video (from HP) by 60 seconds. woooow 60 seconds ... PG easy just 60 seconds!.
weits not the first one. the short duration of a video works. the more we are forced to make semanrik possible. terkdang we confused when there are festivals that determine the duration of 15-20 minutes. but this one just 60 seconds. that means we must be more solid in delivering a message from cvideo that we make.
and how.
as well as the creation of works of the previous video. stage for the stages we must pass it. we can based on ADS. But I certainly Co asering was named nointon ads. almost every second we doiisuguhkan ads on while watching TV. membanyangkan means is how the process can produce.
sometimes we feel answer. menyampaikanb how a message is interesting in that short time the tempo.
imagination we are required to be more creative. the problem is when the new HP persayratannya use. it means we are required lebihlebilebih creative in delivering the message.
graphis animation into the options that will not be selected for our input in the video.
create with a simple idea.
research. I own at least we know what is a coral reef. try.
the idea that the nearest of our lives day-to-day.
I may have ideas.
I would like to make a video documentary. The school will ask students to ortu utnuk menanykan how to save / preserve coral reefs. interview materials will be key to make this video interesting. plus a few images of nature (the sea coast).
But how about the idea of?
at least we have to participate in environmental menyeklamatkan this earth. follow-up all ........
To do video editing we need a computer that is optimal that the results obtained is also the maximum. Of course, to make the computer always in a condition fit is not an easy thing.
Here are 5 tips that can help us to create a computer still in excellent condition;
(1) Update ZoneAlarm firewall
If the computer connected to the Internet, do always update ZoneAlarm firewall. At the online computer that there are things that do not want to affect the speed of computers, especially from spyware and malware attacks are working behind the computer system and create a slow computer. And one more thing "ZoneAlarm firewall is freeware."
(2) Update Anti-virus protection
Antivirus software will detect and remove viruses originating from downloading files, email attachments, thumbdrives, memory cards and external drives. If your computer is not used to it, it means there is no problem, but if so, do they always update Antivirus.
(3) Remove the waste of video and audio
Most of the projects we do capture or failure to make a video. Many of the files that do not use things from above. Immediately delete video and audio files that are not used before, so that the hard disk has a lot of empty space.
(4) Use CCleaner
CCleaner (crap Cleaner) is a tool of privacy and Peng-an optimal system for free. CCleaner will delete temporary files and unused from your system - allowing Windows to run faster, more efficient and provide space on the hard disks store more. The interest from CCleaner speed performance, which requires only one second to go.
CCleaner can clean:
Internet Explorer cache, History, Cookies, Index.dat.
Recycle Bin, Temporary files and Log files.
Files and URLs that has been opened.
List the files that have opened files and programs while a third party. These include: Firefox, Opera, Media Player, emule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Office XP, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and other ...
Scanner and cleaner on Advanced Registry to delete the entries long and that is not used. As File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more ...
Tools Windows Startup.
With the means to use this application will make the computer run more quickly.
(5) Defragment
Do defrag regularly. Because during the rendering, the hard disk will be used once more. Computers are usually placed in a random placement of data on the hdd, so that will make computers more slowly to access the data so big. After the results made video editing, delete data that is not considered necessary, so that we get the hard disk space that is empty more. Then do the defrag process. With only right-click the C drive (or other drive), select properties, tools, and click the defragment now
Is your PPC campaign dull absent and that Oomph? Well, today is the day to take action and the things around. Follow these simple steps & explode your PPC campaign:
1st Try to avoid phrases with less than 3 words
There is a huge difference between "affiliate marketing" & "affiliate marketing blog." The more words in a search word to improve your search word is expected for this query. Put yourself in the shoes of the viewfinder, people looking for information "affiliate marketing" people who specifically want to read an Affiliate marketing blog indicate the latter.
The same works with all sectors. Bidding on "doctor" is quite unlike tender on "doctor in Melbourne." Start to think more about the rates, what you offer, rather than lazy.
2nd Do not waste money - losing the Broad Match
While the broad outlines of the game in general generates more traffic you often find that by Adwords "Expanded broad matching," the heaps of unrelated conditions will sneak in. If your research to further conditions (by using the search query report) you should do not throw money away on keywords you do not pre-qualify. Do not be lazy and do thorough keyword research, prior to each AdWords campaign. My rule of thumb is always set (with negatives), or accurate. So you know what you get for your money.
3rd Catch people in the late stages of the buying process
As I mentioned in point 1, there are certain phrases that people will use if they are in various stages of searching. The determination of these can mean the difference between paying $ 15/conversion or $ 5/conversion.
Bids helpful ideas:
1st Bid on Brand Products & Objects
2nd Bid on company name & manufacturer
3rd Use buy, compare & buy keywords
4th Use product reviews
4th Look at the Search & Content Network
Check your settings to see if the Network Search & Content Network are turned on. I've always Turn both initially as I do not trust when the traffic. As soon as I campaign to a solid CTR, position & Return, I then test the search network, to see if it adds or removes value.
If you want to run a content campaign, I suggest that you have it within their own campaign. Alone.
5th Create very targeted ad groups
Topic of your ad groups on a given keyword. If the keyword is affiliate marketing blog then the ad group May contain:
Affiliate marketing blog "
Affiliate marketing blog "
[Affiliate marketing blog]
[Affiliate marketing blogs]
This allows you to write a very specific creative, specific to the keywords you're bidding on. Keeping things in the context of high your CTR, reduce your costs in the long term.
6th Use very targeted creatives
As in the previous point, you can now write very targeted creatives around a small group of keywords
One of the most important aspects of getting the most out of your involvement with Google AdSense program is to be sure that Google is the most relevant ads possible on your site. The concept is easy to understand visitors' trip to your websites in search of certain content on their topic of interest. If they see ads directly to this content desires, they are much more likely to click on the ads than when they encounter only tangentially related material or, in a worst-case scenario, ads that are not even in relation to their interests . As such it is in your best interest to make sure that your site displays relevant ads. Here are some tips for improving the relevance of your content to produce more accurately targeted contextual
First Things First. Before you even begin to use AdSense as a sales tool, make sure there are relevant ads for your site or pages. In most cases, you will have determined this long before you even started on the spot, design or content development. However, if you remember, adding AdSense to an existing site built with other sales strategies originally in mind, you can not have trouble checking to see if other advertisers would be after this particular market. Make sure that on a topic for which ads exist in sufficient quantity. If related advertising is sparse, it is difficult to avoid irrelevant ads.
KEYWORDS MATTER. They do not want content that is overstuffed with certain keywords to-point destruction of readability and value, but you do want to make sure your materials make liberal use of on-topic keywords likely to spawn the most relevant ads possible. Experts say that using keywords to your title and H1 tags is an excellent way in which the main ads possible. This has advantages in terms of search engine optimization, as well.
Metatags. Once upon a time, metatags were a critical aspect of search engine optimization in general. Although the engines rely on metatags far less than they once did, there is some evidence that with Ad-triggering keywords in your pages' meta tags may be the relevance of the ads displayed. This strategy may help, and it
certainly can not hurt.
Lackluster search for content. Many sites on a huge task of providing content related to specific topics or keywords in the main part of the site, but have sidebars, headers and footers with less targeted terms and material. Take a long look at your navigation and other elements on the page, text and remove keyword terminology that may be irrelevant ad service. Alternatively, you can use the Adsense Section Targeting tool to remove these areas from Adsense treatment entirely, as long as you do not plan to ad-blocks or ad-link units in these areas.
TIGHT themes. You want to keep content closely motto. This means that you do not want the feature long, rambling articles, covering several topics. Instead, rely on materials that address singular issues. You also do not want to feature several pieces of content on different issues on the same side for that very same reason. The value of close theming May extend past individual pages. Many publishers argue that AdSense tends to reward tightly-themed Web sites with a total of more relevant ads as well. Although this aspect of the themes is not as well researched and proven, it is useful to the practice because the search engine optimization benefits with a concentrated location.
BLOCK bad ads. Monitor your site regularly and take note when irrelevant ads appear. Then, take the time to see it on your black list for the site. Google gives you the ability to block individual ads on the competitive ad filter. If you block the commonly served irrelevant ads, you can improve your chances, with more ads, where your visitors actually click.
The more contextually relevant ads appear on your site, the more clicks you can expect to see. As such, it is important to make an effort to a combination of proven SEO methods that are also good with Adsense and some program-specific maneuvers to ensure the best ads on your site.

- khalifiani
- i`d like to share about anything that happen to indonesia with audio visual documentary